Category Archives: NUnit

NHibernate Session Manager needs HttpContext for NUnit testing

In a codebase I work in, NHibernate needs an HttpContext to get its current session – like this:

public static ISession GetCurrentSession()
var context = HttpContext.Current;
var currentSession = context.Items[CurrentSessionKey] as ISession;

To get my hands on a session for a NUnit test – I put this in the setup:

HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(
new HttpRequest(null, "", null),
new HttpResponse(null));


Also, I wipe the context in the teardown:


public void TearDown()
HttpContext.Current = null;



Credit for this goes to :

Rolling rolling rolling – rolling back your data back in integration tests

A couple years ago, I had just started refactoring a legacy codebase by adding integration tests and was manually rolling back the database changes with several lines of handwritten sql deletes… (sorry). At Iowa Code Camp, I went to a Lee Brandt demo and looking at Lee’s demo code, I saw him using a transaction for the rollbacks and I hung my head in shame.

Try it like this:

using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Transactions;
namespace ProjectName.Tests.Integration
 public class TestClass
 private TransactionScope _transactionScope;
 public void SetUp()
 _transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew);
 //...Test some stuff, insert records, update records, etc...
 public void TearDown()

Happy Testing,
