Category Archives: Computer Programming

Extension method to trim all string fields in a C# object

/// <summary>
/// This does NOT go into sub objects, only the top level object
/// i.e. if you have a class with a string field, it will trim that string field value
/// but not trim any string fields on sub-objects inside the containing class
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentObject"></param>
        public static void SafeTrimAllStringFields(this object currentObject)
            if (currentObject == null)

            var type = currentObject.GetType();
            var stringFields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                .Where(f => f.FieldType == typeof(string));

            foreach (var field in stringFields)
                var value = (string)field.GetValue(currentObject);
                if (value != null)
                    field.SetValue(currentObject, value.SafeTrim());

   public static string SafeTrim(this string value)
            return value == null ? string.Empty : value.Trim();

Reading hidden field values with Selenium

I have a need to hide a guid used for an index on a .cshtml so I can get model binding on controls dynamically added with ajax (it’s a long story) (that was a mouthful)

I had a hard time finding the value in the hidden field; as it turns out, you can just get it by the attribute on the Selenium element like this:

IWebElement hiddenIndex = driver.FindElement(By.Id("MyControlName_0__Index"));
var indexValueToUse = hiddenIndex.GetAttribute("value");


Implementing reCAPTCHA in a Razor MVC view

Setup in your Google account

You will have to have a Google account to use reCAPTCHA.

Log into the google account you want to tie your reCAPTCHA keys to and navigate to:

Under the ‘Register a new site’ section of that page,follow the instructions and set up a separate key set for each of your development,test, and production environments – including one specifically for ‘localhost’ or so you can test locally.

Web config changes

Add the public and private keys you just created on the Google site to your web.config:

<add key="ReCaptchaPrivateKey" value="yourPrivateKey"/> 
<add key="ReCaptchaPublicKey" value="yourPublicKey"/>

HttpGet action in the controller

Add a property for yourPublicKey to your viewmodel and load it from the web.config in the get controller action, passing it into the view.

Changes in the head section

Add this script in the head section of your layout or view page:

<script src=""></script>

Changes on the .cshtml view page

There are two steps for the view page where you want to display the reCaptcha box:

Add this to the view where you want the reCaptcha box to display:

<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="@Model.YourPublicKey">

And add this script at the bottom of that view:

<script src=''></script>

HttpPost action in the controller

You will need some code in the post action of your controller to hit the Google reCaptcha service and get a response if it appears this is a valid person – something like this:

var response = Request["g-recaptcha-response"];
var reCaptchaSecretKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["yourPrivateKey"];
var webClient = new WebClient();
var resultFromGoogle = webClient.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}&response={1}", reCaptchaSecretKey , response));
var parsedResponseFromGoogle = JObject.Parse(resultFromGoogle);
var thisIsARealPersonNotARobot = (bool)parsedResponseFromGoogle.SelectToken("success");

With that result in hand, you can decide how to handle a success or failure.


I noticed that reCAPTCHA tried to send it’s request through TLS1.1 and our site will not allow it – we require TLS 1.2, so I had to add a directive to force it to only use 1.2 with this setting at the top of the HTTPPost controller action:

  ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

Thanks for reading and happy coding,

Disable Html.DropDownListFor if only one item in dropdown

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedValue,
new SelectList(Model.CollectionOfItemsForDropdown, "ValueField", "NameField"),
@Model.CollectionOfItemsForDropdown.Count > 1
? (object)new { @class = "form-control", required = "true", }
: new { @class = "form-control", required = "true", disabled = "disabled" })

You have to use the conditional operator here for the anonymous objects because the dropdown list will be disabled if the word ‘disabled’ is rendered in the tag in any way.

Sending messages from an MVC Controller to toastr.js

Toastr and MVC controllers

I often want to generate a message in an .Net MVC controller class and present that to the user with toastr.
Here is a nice pattern for doing just that using TempData.

The Javascript

In a javascript file that is accessible to all the views that are using toastr:

$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('#success').val()) {
displayMessage($('#success').val(), 'success');
if ($('#info').val()) {
displayMessage($('#info').val(), 'info');
if ($('#warning').val()) {
displayMessage($('#warning').val(), 'warning');
if ($('#error').val()) {
displayMessage($('#error').val(), 'error');

var displayMessage = function (message, msgType) {
toastr.options = {
“closeButton”: false,
“debug”: false,
“positionClass”: “toast-top-right”,
“onClick”: null,
“showDuration”: “300”,
“hideDuration”: “1000”,
“timeOut”: “8000”,
“extendedTimeOut”: “1000”,
“showEasing”: “swing”,
“hideEasing”: “linear”,
“showMethod”: “fadeIn”,
“hideMethod”: “fadeOut”


The Layout or Master Page

If you are using razor with mvc, you can put this in your _layout:


On my current project, I am working on an older mixed webforms and mvc site so I put this in the views:

<input type="hidden" value="<%=TempData["success"]%>" id="success" />
<input type="hidden" value="<%=TempData["info"]%>" id="info" />
<input type="hidden" value="<%=TempData["warning"]%>" id="warning" />
<input type="hidden" value="<%=TempData["error"]%>" id="error" />

The Controller Code

You send information back from the controller like this:

TempData["warn"] = "You must see this amazing information in a toast!!!";

Safely refactoring stored procedures into code with unit tests

Refactoring long stored procedures is a drag. There is no way around it. Sometimes it can be terrifying. If the sql you are staring at is an import production proc and you have to make a change to it… Jeesh, I am always amazed at the people who came before me and wrote these things. You would have to be some sort of genius (evil genius?) to get some of the sql I have seen to work. But, often they do work, you just can’t work on them. Not without a change of shorts handy.

Indications you need to refactor

Output parameters, 1500+ lines of sql, or a block that looks like this:


Yeah, that’s a pretty good indicator for me. There are several other code smells. You know them. That’s why we are talking here.

Getting started – create a logging table

Something simple like this works for my logging table:

CREATE TABLE dbo.SqlrefactoringLog (
LogMessage VARCHAR(250),
InsertDate DATETIME2

You can add other columns if you need but this suffices for what I am up to.

In each sql logic block of your large stored procedure, add an insert to your new log table to let you know that you have made into that flow:

INSERT INTO dbo.SqlrefactoringLog ( LogMessage, InsertDate ) VALUES  ( ‘block1’,GETDATE())

Once you have an insert in each sql block, 14 blocks in my current case, you will be able to make sure that the integration tests you are about to write exercise each one.

Using an ORM to help you

In the work that I am doing now, I an using Entity Framework or NHibernate. Any ORM that you can make work do fine for this. We will be using the objects to populate test data to ensure that we hit all the logic paths that the proc allows for. Using an ORM  will speed this up greatly. There is no reason to create all the table objects and write CRUD for them from scratch. Lets use computers to do this…

Get a list of all the tables in your personal procedure of doom (POD)

Feed the list of all the tables in your proc to your ORM of choice and get started. In my case, I have 21 tables (really) across two different databases to test against.

Now for the tedium

You have to understand this awful procedure to get rid of it. Sorry. To understand it, you will have to exercise each bit of it in a test. Using your new lovely ORMified objects, populate test data and call your proc. Watch your log table, remember him – Sqlrefactoringlog. Keep doing this until you know that you are exercising every code path in your proc with an automated test. Once you are seeing an entry in your log table for every code path, you can have some chance of working on the procedure without introducing regressions.

Get NUnit into the mix

Once you are exercising all the paths, start capturing the results or outputs of your stored procedure in individual unit tests classes. At a minimum, you will have one test for each code path. I find I often end up with ~3 tests for each code path. You have to think carefully through each one. NUnit, or any automated test framework you know becomes invaluable here.

Get outta sql

Ah, if you made it this far, give yourself a pat on the back. You can get out of sql and starting writing code in the language of your choice.

The Important bit – Gleefully (but carefully) tear it apart

You are going to be replacing this proc with a new library and ORM code or several/many new smaller stored procedures with only CRUD in them. That is the goal anyway. Nothing other than

Wrap the ouput/results of the proc in an object. For me that is a plain old c# object – a property bag in my case. Use this populated object as the expected result for your unit tests. Comment out a sql block and replace its logic in code. If you require a data hit, write a new small proc or use your lovely ORM doing only CRUD to replace that first bit. Start with an easy one if you can – it builds confidence.

Rinse Wash and Repeat

Run all your tests and make sure that they still pass. If they don’t – work on your non-sql code until they do. That’s it. Keep going until the proc is gone. Run your tests every time you make a change. Never skip this step. In one of these large complex beasts, not knowing how many steps ago you broke will cause much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Check in to source control each time you successfully remove a block.

Happy Coding,


Why are Non-microsoft conferences so much better?

I am a .Net coder. I like it, I really like C#. Not kidding at all – I really do.

But DAMN man! I went to Ruby Midwest this last weekend and it was so much better than any Microsoft technology based conference I have ever been to.

Two things were different

The first thing

Probably the most important is so simple. I do not need someone show me where menu items are in the tools. How many times have you been to a Microsoft conference to spend 45 minutes at a time listening to this:

Go to Tools –> SubItem –> SubSubItem and click this to increase the font…

Jeesh man, that is what Google is for, manuals are for, or in new Visual Studio, they added the quick launch box. Holy cheese batman, that thing is gonna KILL all the Microsoft conferences. what will they ever talk about now? (Maybe 15 min on how to use the quick launch box?)

If I want to learn how to use an IDE or other visual tool, I can do that without paying a conference fee and giving up time with my family. I also realize that this is not the only thing that goes on at Microsoft conferences – there is a lot of good at these conferences too. Seem like though, the MS conferences weigh a lot heavier on the Black And Decker how to manual side of things.

Second Thing

One track conference. I am sorry all you nerds, but you need the soft skills talks if you want to max out the possibilities in your life (and coding). The best code writer in the world is probably hiding somewhere and typing this beautiful, pristine code out by him/herself somewhere right now. It is code so tight and so clean that it could squeeze a tear out of a rock. But,we will never see this beautiful code. Indiana Jones couldn’t find this code with three bullwhips and six trained monkeys. Ever. It takes talking to people, to humans, to get your code out in the wild; either through open source or your job. Sorry.

One track conferences like Ruby Midwest force you to sit through soft skills talks as well as straight on nerd fare. Unless you leave (one entire company I know did…) the conference altogether, you are going to learn something about how to work with other folks. This is crucial stuff my friends. Really crucial.

Write code better and get that code to other people!

Unless the Microsoft community starts to teach about how to write code better, and how to get that code to other people at their conferences, we will not move forward as a community.

Don’t get me wrong. I really value the work, thought, and sacrifice that Microsoft based conference organizers put in. Organizers like Lee Brandt work a TON to put on conferences like KCDC. The folks in Iowa do an amazing job with Iowa Code camp. They can’t offer talks that aren’t proposed though.

I am not sure of the exact next step to get this better but would like to throw this volley out to start the conversation.

Thanks for hanging in this long,

Happy coding,
